"Man, The Narrator is the key, the centre, and the creator of known universe and the world. He is the
creator of all sorts of knowledge, all sorts of other stories and even of the humanity.
His work is continuing relatively for ever". (from WATER - web comics)
Aim of this blog
Our active attitudes and policies for “complementary humanity”
Our activities are exclusively based on reciprocal respect and on responsible freedom. In other words we work and collaborate for a democratic world. Thus, we only work on this catalytic foundation. We castoff any form of anarchism. Moreover, we keep our minds extremely vigilant to avoid contradictions. This is because such conditions are often generated by the brain itself. Furthermore, when we are not living consciously, anti-life thoughts can arise and become active in any person. Therefore, we consider and respect politics as a compulsory social service. We respect and recognize all the biological, cultural, social, political and economic diversities in the world. We firmly rely on complementarity as the catalytic principle of all relationships between any different form of life and relevant activities. Therefore we work at research level to discover and to create the best instruments and practises in order to decrease misunderstandings in communication and defuse conflicts. So to realize our main object; “complementary humanity”, we promote and work on individuals who are critical, creative and act according to the principle of complementary.